Sports fandom has been a part of movies since the dawn of man. Singles featured eloquent soliloquies about the merit of Xavier Daneilt and Celtic Pride taught us it was okay to kidnap the star player on the Utah Jazz.

Lo, there is a dark side to being a fan, one that can be comparable to various mental illnesses: obsession and delusion being two of the more troubling symptoms. Anchored by a powerhouse performance by Patton Oswalt that defines slow burn, Big Fan is a vivid exploration of a psychotic fan.

Oswalt plays Paul, a parking attendant by day and the world's biggest Giants fan by night. He writes scripts for his calls to a sports radio shock jock, he has a Giants cellphone holster and he goes to the stadium on game day to watch the game on a car battery powered TV. Paul's world is rocked when a chance encounter with his favorite player ends in felonious assault. How will the biggest fan in the world react when he begins to truly believe that he is the cause for the losses? Favorites Kevin Corrigan and Michael Rappaport round out a stellar cast in The Wrestler scribe Robert Siegal's directorial debut. Before you paint your face and watch your championship games, be they AFC or NFC, take some time to reflect on band, team or movie star that you're a fan of. What has Snooki done for you lately?

Full disclosure: I am a Cubs fan.

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