Harrison Ford was on Regis and Kelly today with Jerry O'Conell playing the role of Regis. Everything was peachy-keen in the interview until the subject of marriage was brought up. Mr. Ford was not pleased with this topic.

Kelly asks Harrison when he's marrying his fiance Calista Flockhart, since they've been engaged forever. Awkward! She then proposes that Harrison get married to Flockhart on the set of their Regis and Kelly! Harrison responds to this idea with a look that if transcribed would probably say, "I'm going to rip out your throat and wear it as a hat if you don't shut your mouth." Jerry O'Conell, noticing the tension, tries to be sympathetic with Harrison, but he wasn't having it. He was so visibly angry by that point that he was literally at a loss for words. I think it's safe to say marriage is a sore subject with Harrison Ford.