Every week our commenters gather to live blog Project Runway. Look at how witty and awesome they are. So witty and awesome, you should read their best comments then come back and join them for tonight's live blog at 9pm.

Here is what they had to say about the premiere episode:

  • Lizawithazee: Let's see, there will be the rocker, the avant-garde Asian person of indeterminate gender, the society dressmaker trying to make it as a Real Designer, the complete and utter whackjob, the sensitive person in recovery…. take it away, lovebloggers…
  • Old Ocho: Okay, so I have some inside info about why the last season sucked. Apparently, some viewers were upset in the first 5 seasons about certain PR designers who weren't actually good at sewing, and I'm not just talking about the early exits (see: Jeffery). So for S6, auditions placed an extra emphasis on sewing ability. Unfortunately, that led to a shortfall in personality and artistic vision. And the rest is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • unclevanya: Seth = grumpy Jeff Sibelia wannabee - which is a pretty scary thing to wanna be.
  • misslinda: Oy, comic book illustrator. I give him 2 challenges.
  • Lizawithazee: Next week's challenge: dress the knocked-up teens of "The Pregnancy Pact."
  • MissPeacock: Please use the HP Touch Notebooks wall carefully.
  • unclevanya: Yay! HD = finally having to film new scenes of NYC and the Parsons exterior. The other ones were getting grainy. Nary a hybrid taxi in sight!
  • dippitydoo: Mila is Edna ‘E' Mode from The Incredibles…
  • missing_piece: Seth Aaron made a Dorothy-on-meth ensemble.
  • robina:
    Jonathan - meh
    Seth Aaron - saw it when Jeffrey did it
    Jesus - she looks like a turd
    Ben - bad-fitting vintage
    Jay - too many flowers
    pink dress - wow, that's pink
    Emilio - oooooooh I kinda dig that
    Jesse - deconstructed Mad Men
    Ping - …um..
    Christiane - scrunch
    Amy - love the skirt
    Janeane - not bad
    Mila - interesting
    Anthony - kimonoesque
    yellow dress is yellow
    Maya - ruffly dead animal on your shoulder
  • katekate is squared: Oh my god. A leather evening gown.
  • dippitydoo: It's my dad's leather chair cut up and made into a dress.
  • summeroflove: I love how ‘appreciate' has become the new ‘like'.
  • CogInSystem: Please don't send home my little latin boy.
  • swedishcouscous: I just realized goth mall guy is dressed like a rockabilly doorman.