Today at Gawker.TV, Jeff Zucker makes an appearance on Charlie Rose, Alyssa Milano's steamy 80s workout video, Jon Stewart tears apart his own political party, The Bachelor's latest humiliating rejection, and Jennifer Lopez tries her hand at stand-up comedy.

Jon Stewart Blasts Democratic Party over Kennedy Senate Seat
Last night the host of The Daily Show let out his frustration. It seems his own party's management of majority leadership leaves something to be desired, especially when it comes to Massachusetts.

Jeff Zucker Admits the Leno/Conan Experiment Was a Mistake on Charlie Rose
Amid the chaos of the Late Night Wars, Jeff Zucker decided to try to set the record straight by appearing on Charlie Rose. He remained very political throughout, but the fact remains the same: Jeff Zucker is a terrible executive.

Lopez on Lopez: JLo's Foray into Intentional Comedy
Oh, George Lopez. So far under the late night radar that no one even notices when movie stars drop in. Movie stars! But drop in they did, as Jennifer Lopez tried her hand at the late night comedy shtick.

Sorry, Michelle: This Bachelor Is Just Not That Into You
Some girls need to learn how to take a hint. When you're the one asking for a kiss and it lasts all of five seconds, chances are he's not feeling it. Watch the newest Bachelor reject's nationally-televised humiliation here!

Alyssa Milano Gets All Steamed Up
Riding high off of her success from youthful roles in 80s staples Who's the Boss? and Commando, Alyssa Milano made her own exercise video in 1988, the workout/dance/sleepover double entendre Teen Steam.