The Late Night Wars Continue: The Video Clips You Missed Last Night
Jay finally makes an attempt to explain his side of the story, Dave retaliates against Leno, and Conan sings of NBC's incompetence and puts himself on Craigslist. Gawker.TV's Matt Cherette was up all night clipping the best parts.

"A lot of papers are reporting that i'm legally prohibited about saying anything bad about NBC. So goodnight, ladies and gentlemen, it's been a great show! - Conan O'Brien
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"Conan's show during the summer... was not doing well. The great hope was that we would help him. Well, we didn't help him any, okay." - Jay Leno
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"So now all of a sudden this outpouring of people are upset- leave Conan alone and don't be such a bully, go somewhere else, get your own show." - David Letterman
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"Who do you blame for that joke? Jay Leno!" - Craig Ferguson
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