Do not get Americans upset about their TV. They will stage demonstrations with witty signs and chanting and everything! Today the country was wracked by Conan O'Brien protests, the like of which have been unseen since Vietnam.

In New York, hundreds braved extremely mild temperatures and, apparently, being unemployed, to attend an afternoon rally outside of Rockefeller Center, where O'Brien hosted "Late Night" in simpler times:

At the LA rally outside of Universal Studios—Conan's current home—protesters (Or whatever they were. Idiots with free time?) chanted such inspired slogans as "Jay Leno Sucks!" But also: La Bamba drove past the crowd "in a pope-like-mobile truck" before Conan sprinted down Lakershim Boulevard and everyone chased him, according to LAist. Then there was free pizza!

Seattle and Chicago also had rallies to show how much they will miss not watching but being vaguely aware of Conan O'Brien on the "Tonight Show" . It is unclear what these people are hoping to accomplish with their rallies, since Conan's departure from NBC is all but guaranteed. Maybe they're practicing for when they have to protest stuff that actually means something.