We've found at least two being mean to the actor, who wore a hat to last night's Golden Globes presumably to cover hair loss from treatment of his Hodgkin's lymphoma. Also, what did Bill Paxton have to say?

We'll talk shit about just about anyone, but cancer is where we draw the line (most times). When live blogging the event, I was about to make a crack about the hat and then I remembered that it was probably due to Hall's recently-announced illness. On the live blog for Canadian magazine MacLeans, Brian D. Johnson didn't have as much discretion and wrote, "Michael C. Hall wins best actor in a TV drama series for Dexter. He looks like a bit of a psycho cause he's wearing a black toque. What's up with that?" We know what's up with that. Cancer!

Even the New York Times wasn't immune. Check out the tweet from their The Moment blog below.

We know what he was hiding under it. Cancer!

Bill Paxton, who was nominated in the same category as Hall, was not pleased when he lost the award and the camera caught him shaking his head and laughing at the win and then he makes a comment to his seat-mate. To some it looks like something about getting beat by "the cancer card." To some it looks like, "I can't believe I lost to an asshole." To us it looks more like, "I can't believe I lost to Dexter." Judge for yourself.

So, who else out there was talking shit about bald Dexter? There is something you should never laugh at, and it is cancer. Cancer!