Live Blogging Jersey Shore, Week 6

We have no special guests this week, but that doesn't mean this live blog won't be full of special guests, like you. And we won't get a Snooki punch, but we'll get a ShamWOWW punch. And it's two hours!
The most important sociological experiment of our time is nearing an end, and we get a double dose tonight to gird us for the finale next week. We get to see when the guidos of Seaside Heights go to Atlantic City, the only other city on the eastern seaboard that might be able to contain their trashiness. It is also the night that ShamWOWW, after being in a Vicodin coma for all of last week, emerges swinging and hits The Situation upside his head. That is so sweet of her.
So, the show starts at 10pm and there is a second episode at 11pm. We'll be here starting at 9 talking shit about people and trying to get Gawker Intern Jill Zarin to join on the live blog (she says she's a huge fan of the show). If you want to join the fun, leave a comment in the section below by typing letters in the empty white box and clicking share. Keep refreshing the page to see if people respond, and feel free to respond to other people's comments. It's like standing around a roulette wheel, except it doesn't smell like smoke, you won't loose any money, and a toothless waitress won't bring you drinks!
Here is what you should be looking for:
- Drinking games: We will definitely drink every time the duck phone quacks, every time warrior princess ShamWOWW punches someone, and every time DJ Paulie Dice says "Double down, baby!" When else?
- Atlantic City Scavenger Hunt: We haven't seen the beloved Shore Store in weeks, so what can we look for? Trashy things in AC of course. The first person to spot something in Atlantic City that is even trashier than Sleazeside wins a prize. The prize is they don't get hit in the head by ShamWOWW.
- Quotes and Definitions: Any sayings standing out at you? Any terms you have no clue about? Point them out and we'll fill you in. Also, we'll steal them for the recap tomorrow and our complete Guido to English Dictionary.
Alright kids. We can't wait to spend the better part of our evening with you!