Hunka hunka burnin' Hiiii-ya! Now that that is out of our system we bring you good news: All three of these guys will be starring in "Knockout," a spy movie starring Gina Carano, a freaking mixed martial artist.

The film, directed by Steven Soderbergh, centers on Carano as an employee for a "Blackwater-style security contractor who is betrayed by one of her teammates." Topical! Douglas is an American executive, McGregor owns the contracting firm and Fassbender (who was pretty great in "Inglorious Basterds") will be a British spy. In closing: HIIIII-YA! [THR]

•"Our Little Genius," America's favorite smart child-exploiting reality show, has been postponed due to "unspecified reasons." Producer Mark Burnett said in a statement:

"I recently discovered that there was an issue with how some information was relayed to contestants during the pre-production of ‘Our Little Genius.' As a result, I am not comfortable delivering the episodes without re-shooting them. I believe my series must always be beyond reproach, so I have requested that Fox not air these episodes."

So, basically, these kids thought they were going out for an ice cream cone but then got signed up to star in a life-destroying reality TV program? [THR]

James Cameron now officially holds the top two global Box Office records. "Avatar" has moved up to number two just three weeks after its release. $1.14 billion it has made. Everyone still doesn't think the film can succeed "Titanic," but then again everyone thought "Avatar" was going to be a total flop so we are just not going to listen to everyone and predict "Avatar" will overtake "Titanic" and win 28 Oscars. [Variety]

•And having tackled the destruction of blue people from another planet, James Cameron wants to make a film based on more earth-bound tragedy: Hiroshima. Cameron's optioned Charles Pellegrino's new nonfiction book "The Last Train From Hiroshima: The Survivors Look Back." Another James Cameron film, another prediction: Everyone is going to complain this is "Dancing With Wolves" only with Japanese people and atomic bombs. [Variety]

•Since we have been talking so much about the dude, we are going to go ahead and credit James Cameron with making 3-D so popular that Sony pictures is releasing a 3-D Blu-ray of its "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs." It's the first 3-D film to be released on Blu-ray, and should take advantage of upcoming 3-D-compatible TVs from Sony. Thank you, James Cameron, you are truly the definition of GAME CHANGER. [THR]