I Hope They Serve Morphine at Play From Hell

Broblogger Tucker Max's poop movie I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell is allegedly an item of interest for some theater dude who wants to make it into I Hope They Serve Beer...On Broadway! We hope they serve something stronger.
A (reputable?) website, The Clyde Fitch Report, says the following thing:
Christopher Carter Sanderson, founding artistic and producing director of the Gorilla Repertory Theater Company, has obtained the rights to bring the work of blogger and all around Web bon vivant Tucker Max - specifically, his book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell - to Broadway.
Is the Gorilla Repertory Theater Company actually on "Broadway?" Or would it be more accurate to say it is in Washington Square Park? I'll leave it to the theater experts to sort out! Anyhow, douche-understudy Tucker Max gives the site several of his trademark quotes in the style of "A man who, I'll tell you one thing, is definitely not a fag, above all," and says this landmark Play in Washington Square Park is in fact a real prospect that could occur in the world. We asked him via email and he replied, "AHHAHAHHAHAHHAH! Since when does GAWKER ask for comments? You guys are as concerned with veracity as you are with propriety."
The very next email we got was an ad for Alexander Wang shirts, which you will not catch Tucker Max wearing even at a play, bro. You wish.