Live Blogging Jersey Shore, New Year's Eve Edition

Just because the ball is going to drop for 2010 doesn't mean we can drop the ball on documenting every single second of the sociological experiment of Jersey Shore. We will never forget these new acquaintances. Let's learn more!
For those of you taking time out of your December 31 to watch the show, leave your reactions to the action in the comments section below by typing something in the little box and then clicking the "Share" button next to it. Keep refreshing the page to see what everyone else has to say while watching and feel free to respond to their comments and tell them how funny they are. The show starts on MTV at 10pm, and your drinking probably started somewhere around 2pm, so it should be an interesting live blog.
Here are some things we like to do while live blogging:
- Nicknames: The guidos and guidettes have given themselves better nicknames than we could possibly think of but that doesn't mean we're not going to try. Trash Bags was a classic, even though she only lasted about seven seconds on the show.
- Drinking Games: When do you drink? Every time someone pumps a fist? Every time Snooki yells at the duck phone? Every time ShamWOWW's boob falls out? Oh, who cares. It's New Year's Eve. Just throw them back whenever you like.
- Shore Store Scavenger Hunt: Whoever finds the best slogan on a T-Shirt in the background wins a shot on me.
- Quotes/Definitions: The JS kids will say ridiculous things in a language that is merely English adjacent. We are cataloging these linguistic events for our English to Guido Dictionary. Feel free to let me know which ones we need to include and I will steal them for the recap.
So, all ye faitful, have a good time in the comments and don't leave too much of a mess. Live Blog Overlord MisterHippity is going to be swinging through to occasionally check on you and make sure that you are leaving room for the holy ghost and at least have your thong on in the hot tub. I will be out gaying it up somewhere in Manhattan, but I'm going to read everything as soon as I get home. Check back on Friday for a full recap (it may be late, depending on how much fun I have tonight). Have a great New Year's Eve!