Today at Gawker.TV, Andy Rooney is lonesome tonight, a grumpy anchor puts a damper on the newsroom's celebrations, Kathie Lee tries to sing again, more laughs at Steven Segall's reality show, and MANswers: the worst television show we've ever seen.

No Matter How Glum Your New Years Eve May Seem, It's Better Than Andy Rooney's
Grumpy and long-winded Andy Rooney has had enough of New Year's Eve. If you can get past the fact that 60 Minutes even airs these crotchety rants, listen to Andy's plans: sitting alone with a tub of coffee ice cream.

Kathie Lee and Hoda Murder "Auld Lang Syne" in a Spectacular Year-End Send-Off
In true fashion, KLG and Hoda finished the year off by attempting to sing all the words to "Auld Lang Syne." Kathie Lee seems drunk already and gets all diva-tastic on our asses. Happy New Year to us all!

Bitter Newscaster Ruins New Years Countdown
We're not sure whether this anchor is the crotchety type or if he just couldn't find a New Year's date. Either way, he rains on everyone's parade while the rest of the newsroom tries to happily ring in 1988.

Rambling Drunk Guy Knows How to Push Steven Seagal's Buttons
You can say Steven Seagal is a bad cop. You can say he's fat. You can even say he's boring. But DO NOT say he isn't a totally badass martial artist. Because he SO is.

MANswers Answers the Age-Old Question, "Can You Fart So Hard Your Balls Explode?"
MANswers is the most over-sexualized, man-centric, degrading-to-women, ear-curdling, vomit-inducing, ridiculous, and just-plain-terrible show we have ever seen. We could barely get through a couple minutes of the show, which makes us wonder who actually watches this crap?