Today at Gawker.TV, a preview of The Real World: DC seems tame compared to Jersey Shore, Kathie Lee says something dumb again, 2009's Cinematic achievements, a thief gets whacked with a bicycle, and Eva Longoria and her beau ruin Grease.

Tony Parker and Eva Longoria Cover "Summer Lovin'" for Some Reason
The Spurs' guard and the Desperate Housewives star do a shot-by-shot remake of the classic Grease song. File this one under things that have no need to exist whatsoever.

Kathie Lee Not Even Trying to Make Sense Anymore on The Today Show
Kathie Lee, champion of housewives who enjoy a cocktail or five during the AM hours, appeared a little drunk on Today. While discussing her disdain for technology, she valiantly tries to make a point. What comes out is barely English.

The Real World: DC Looks Tame, Boring Compared to Jersey Shore
MTV has rolled out the commercials for Wednesday's big premiere of The Real World: DC. However, after Snooki's punch to the face on Jersey Shore, can anyone actually be excited about an "intense fight about religion among the roomates?"

All of 2009's Cinematic Achievements in 7 Minutes
One YouTube user crammed 342 movies-an entire year's worth- into a seven-minute-long video. He's made a list of all the films included and after a quick check, looks legitimate. We're glad that some people still have so much free time!

Projectile Bicycle Used to Stop Thieves
This is one badass citizen's arrest. After two thieves steal a woman's purse, they make off on a moped. Little did they know they would be immediately thwarted by a man hurling his bike right at their thieving faces.