It was a great season, even if the wrong guy won. Why not relive the highlights and join our live blog of tonight's reunion show? Just one request: No spoilers about which chubby bearded guy will win "fan favorite," OK?

As usual, the live blog will be created by you folks in the comments section below this post. But not as usual, the show starts at 9 Eastern, not 10. Bravo is trying to trick us into missing it by airing it an hour earlier than usual—but we won't fall for that, will we? No, because we show up early! We have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night!

And why not, when the party's such a blast? Take last week's final: For a selection of some of the funniest of the twelve-hundred comments from that one, click here. Here are few random highlights:

  • Commenter youngmarblegiant came up with the best name Kevin nickname yet: "Friar Low Flow."
  • Mothers put in an appearance because, as AnnieSaBu observed, "The mom card is so Bravo."
  • The pregnant Padma seemed so unusually lucid, rodmanstreet wondered if she "put her one-hitter away for the sake of the fetus."
  • When Padma asked Mrs. Voltaggio which son's dish she liked better, several commenters observed that it was a real "Sophie's Choice" moment.
  • Both Beardo and Blando blew it, allowing Slouchy McSmartass to sneak in and snag the big prize. All told, bad-posture Volt won six challenges, $150,000 and a Toyota Prius, while his good-postured sibling won four challenges and … zilch. But at least Bryan's mom loves him second-best, so he has that going for him.

As for tonight, the previews tell us that Kevin almost quit the show because something really got him down. Bravo won't reveal what, but my guess is that his girlfriend dumped him after she caught him getting his beard stroked by one its Facebook fans.

As for the rest of the show, well…if you've watched one of these reunion things before, you know what to expect: The chefs will lounge on comfortable chairs while host Andy Cohen asks them uncomfortable questions, and makes them squirm through video clips of their bad behavior (Expect an especially long montage of Robin abuse, followed by some awkward silence and foot-shuffling). More importantly, we'll get a chance to revisit chefs we haven't seen in weeks, and recall great nicknames like "Hook-in-Mouth," "Tintin," and "Top Bottom."

Even more importantly, we'll get a chance to enjoy one another's company one more time before next season. And what great company it is! I think you're all the funniest, most interesting commenters on the Web, and I want to thank you all for making this live blog great. If I were sloppy drunk, I'd give you all a great big cyber-hug right now.

But I'm not sloppy drunk yet—just tidy drunk—so I'll just offer up a few cyber-high-fives and cyber-fist-bumps down in the comments section instead. See you there!