Snoop Dogg is everywhere. You can't puff on a fatty blunt without the smoke hitting a TV with Snoop's face plastered all over it. On The View, he played the loving husband, but Barbara wanted to know about his bitches.

It's a complete role reversal when a guest like Snoop Dogg joins dem sassy ladies on The View. While Snoop played the part of monogamous family man, the women let loose with profanity and what we like to call "thuggish" behavior. After Snoop talks about being faithful to his wife and child, Barbara inquires about his plethora of bitches and hos, and that sets-off the rest of the women. They start hootin' an hollerin' as if given free reign to say a naughty word by their parents. Tone it down, ladies!

It also seems like daytime TV censors play a bit looser than they do after dark. Here's Snoop's appearance on The Colbert Report last night. Before the interview even started, Stephen gave Snoop his own censor button giving him the power to bleep himself.

<td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Snoop Dogg

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