This time it's not because she's high, just that Frances Bean prefers her granny. Also: Rihanna takes her top off, A-Rod and Kate Hate maybe-split, Kourtney Kardashian wolfs tunafish after childbirth. ¡Vamanos a Tuesday gossip!

  • Courtney Love lost custody of 17-year-old daughter and Kurt Cobain offspring Frances Bean Cobain, spawning a tidal wave of speculation about Love's sobriety, because the last time she lost custody of Frances Bean, it was for drugs and breaking into an ex-boyfriend's home. Frances Bean's attorney says Courtney's not in peril; Frances simply prefers to be with her grandmother, whom she has previously called the person she "most admires in the world," in the same interview where she says, repeatedly, that she is nothing like her parents. [People] [People] [Bazaar]
  • Rihanna is, ironically, tamer than ever in her topless GQ cover. [fig.1] Her body is oriented such that not a single tattoo shows, and she is wearing jean shorts. [NYDN]
  • Are A-Rod and Kate Hudson breaking up? Roidriguez was spotted getting "pretty friendly pretty fast" with a pretty blonde in Miami, and telling another girl "I'm definitely single." Now every gossip site is leading with A-ROD AND KATE SPLIT UP? despite Tiger Woods having recently proven an intervening bimbo or seven does not a sports relationship break-up make. At least, not until assault with a deadly weapon enters the equation. [Gatecrasher] [OK] [People] [P6]
  • Another thing A-Rod and Tiger have in common: Medical guru Dr. Tony Galea, a Canadian clinician who worked with both sports stars and is now under investigation for drug stuff. [NYDN]
  • Kourtney Kardashian had a boy. Her post-childbirth craving: tunafish sandwich. What is wrong with our culture that we now know what Kourtney Kardashian ingested after expelling an infant from her loins? And what is wrong with me that I will some day die with no idea what the Heisenberg principle is, but fond memories of the sandwich Kourtney Kardashian ate after giving birth. [TMZ]
  • Gossip whisperer Joanna Molloy: "Ashley Dupre Sex Advice Column as Useless as Bernie Madoff Money Tips" [NYDN]
  • Arthur Miller was the inspiration for an old Daddy Warbucks character in The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, which was directed by Miller's daughter. Isn't that movie about sadomasochism? Which means Arthur Miller...??? [P6]
  • Another day, another dollar, another Tiger Woods Mistress posing half-naked for her drunk friends' cameras. [TMZ]
  • Speaking of: Where's Tiger? Yesterday he was en route to Palm Beach or Sweden. Today he is moving to France for the anti-paparazzi laws. [NBN]

Figure 1.