Perhaps it's time to stop using the word "anemic" in reference to the New York Times' internet efforts; judging from these pictures, Times Company Chief Information Officer Joseph Seibert seems determined to project an image of strength.

The shots were taken for the 2008 New Jersey State Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Championships, and match up with the picture of Seibert featured on the New York Times Co. website. Seibert's figure was presumably something of an asset at his last job in the fashion world, where he worked as COO for design Mark Ecko's company.

The muscle shots certainly show Seibert to be an executive of unique focus and determination. That said, he might want to read his newspaper's recent story on steroids and weightlifting and weightlifting. Not that we're saying this gentleman is juicing. But he should at least be aware of what sorts of practices to avoid!

(Pics via