When not waging the war on Christmas, 30 Rock took some time to throw a few light punches at its network, their social networking site, and Facebook in general. It's a superpoke to the eye.

At the top of the episode, we learn that NBC has acquired a social networking site called YouFace. NBC launched their own networking platform, the oh-so-successful mynbc.comway back in 2007. Less of a dig on NBC's site, this is more of a dig on any old corporation run by old, stuffy men that acquires some new technology. Speaking of which, how's your internet toy iVillage doing? Hm, NBC?

Thanks to YouFace, Jack does meet an old girlfriend, Nancy Donovan (played by Julianne Moore with an awesomely annoying Boston accent), but how do these two "olds" communicate on this newfangled box with wires? Well, they need a "young" to initiate them. Liz Lemon wouldn't know about technology if it was a plate of ham sitting on her desk. Sexy secretary Cerie is quite useless for just about everything, but she sure does know how to work an iPhone.

The whole code of how the site operates with it's "falls" and "bing bangs" is as absurd as anything you do on Facebook, everyone's favorite redesign-prone picture organizer.

Still, the site works, and Jack's plan to meet up with Nancy Donovan works, but the this whole social networking thing is still way too much for Jack to navigate. He needs another lesson from Cerie. We're sorry, but no grown woman should ever use the word "weirdsies" (see below) or have it in an online profile, unless she's on some site where she wants to meet serial killers so that they can be pen pals and one day get married in the slammer so that they can have conjugal visits and she gets an invitation to the execution.

In the end, Jack does get to make out with the girl thanks to YouFace, so maybe it's not that absurd after all. Damn you, 30 Rock, why couldn't you have been meaner to NBC this week? It must be the Christmas spirit.