The LG X120 Netbook is Both Smart and In Style

Press the Smart On™ button on the new LG X120 Netbook and everything you use on a regular basis—Internet, photos, chat, and music—will appear in seconds. Seriously, it's that easy. Smart, eh?
The LG X120 has a built-in 3G wireless, 1 GB of RAM, plus a 160GB hard drive that holds up to 25,000 photos or three months of non-stop music without hearing the same song twice.
Upload photos taken with the built-in camera to the Internet as soon as you snap them. Oh, and the camera includes video, so you can Skype or video-conference from your living room or the middle of Grand Central—wherever your life takes you.
Smart-Link technology easily syncs with your home or work computer (including the CD or DVD drive) so you can easily swap files or install new applications. Combine that with Bluetooth, 3 USB ports, and an XD slot, and connectivity is never an issue. And with 7 hours of battery life, you can stay connected all day!
And if you have to call your chiropractor after toting your laptop around town, the LG X120, weighing just 2.5 pounds - the equivalent of two bottles of water—is your dream come true. Just think of how your shoulders will thank you...not to mention your messenger bag.
The LG X120 is the perfect on-the-go laptop for people on-the-go. Check out the LG Netbook here!