Got something to say about what you're watching? TV Party is your place to sound off about it. It's an open forum that's available to you at all hours of the day. Details and further instructions after the jump.

[Photo by Diana Levine.]

This is your place to talk about TV, movies, viral videos, or even things completely unrelated and off-topic. So, how do you get started? At the top of our front page there's something we call the "submit box."

Click where it says "What are you watching?" The box will expand, letting you type whatever you'd like. To make it public, click on the button that says "share."

This will post whatever you just said into our #tvparty page. So far, the most popular times to hang out around there is from 8:00pm til around midnight, aka primetime television. Need some inspiration? TV Guide highlights what's on every night, or you can check out the full listings.

Also note that you can start your own threads by creating your own hashtag. Want to start up discussion on an old John Cusack movie? Try #onecrazysummer. If you want your comments to appear in multiple places, use multiple hashtags. Need a starting off point? Try any of our most popular tags featured above.

Once you start participating, you'll begin to see how addictive the conversation can be. To help you keep track of your conversations, be sure to make use of the new notifications feature.

Clicking on "replied" will take you to the exact comment, while clicking the link at the end takes you to the original post. It's a great way to keep track of the conversations you're having while not interrupting your regular use of the site.

Questions? Ask away! Otherwise, we'll see you over at TV Party. Who's bringing the beer?