Adam Moss: Neither a Recluse Nor the Inventor of Sex Stories

Dreary Washington Post media critic Howard "Conventional Wisdom In a Shirt" Kurtz has managed to write a profile of New York magazine that is clueless even by "Howard Kurtz explains NYC" standards. Let's get right into it, okay?
Laughable Howard Kurtz bit #1:
When Adam Moss put "The Sex Diaries" on the cover of his magazine — explicit jottings from such hot- to-trot folks as "The Polyamorous Paralegal" and "The Trader Who Will Fly for Sex" — it hardly seemed like a subject fit to print for the New York Times.
Yet days after the late-October story, Times columnist David Brooks was soon applying erudite analysis to how "the diarists are often texting multiple possible partners in search of the best arrangement."
Imagine that: Sex, right here in New York City. And for the salacious topic of "sex" to find its way into the august pages of the New York Times—well, it's enough to make a professional media critic palpitate.
Laughable Howard Kurtz bit #2:
Moss, 52, wields that asphalt-jungle perspective, but doesn't hit the Manhattan social circuit so lavishly chronicled by the magazine. "Adam is a workaholic," says political columnist John Heilemann. "You won't see him at Michael's schmoozing."
With the exception, of course, of the schmoozing at Michael's, and the schmoozing at Michael's, and the various parties. But we see how you could miss those.
Real journalism!