Scientist Tries to Find Man Who Has Never Watched Porn: Can't

One of the basic components of a scientific study is the control group. For a study about the effects of pornography on men's sexuality, the control group would be composed of men who haven't consumed porn. These men don't exist.
So this researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Family Violence and Violence Against Women in Montreal was trying to study "the impact of pornography on the sexuality of men, and how it shapes their perception of men and women." But they couldn't find any non-porn-addled guys to use as a control group. Said the researcher in a press release.
We started our research seeking men in their twenties who had never consumed pornography. We couldn't find any.
He did find some interesting things from interviewing 20 straight, porn-consuming men:
The research concluded that 90 percent of pornography is consumed on the Internet, while 10 percent comes from video stores. On average, single men watch pornography three times a week for 40 minutes. Those who are in committed relationships watch it on average 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes.
But still: Stop watching so much porn, guys. You're ruining science.