GLAAD-Handed, Castle-Storming Adam Lambert to Come on The View

Yesterday: ridiculous PR kerfuffles by The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation's attempts to condemn ABC for canceling supposedly-risque Adam Lambert performing on Kimmel or Dick Clark's Octogenarian NYE. Now, Glambert made The View, and GLAAD wrote a release. Naturally.
Best described as a sad coda to the three separate (but equally stupid) releases GLAAD pushed out yesterday, watch as they announce their, uh, "joy" that The Unpredictable Gay—who they've treated like a Mudblood of Magical Homosexuality they can't quite figure out, but who they feel politically responsible for nonetheless—has finally had his moment of "vindication."
Adam Lambert's performing on The View:
"ABC has taken a step towards fairness by inviting Adam Lambert to perform on The View," said Jarrett Barrios, President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). "GLAAD has been advocating against the double standards that have been applied to Lambert as an openly gay performer. We thank community members and allies for voicing their concerns with ABC so that entertainers like Adam have the opportunity to be broadcast into living rooms across America."
Earlier today GLAAD urged constituents to contact ABC to express disappointment. Throughout the day, GLAAD continued conversations with ABC that began two weeks ago when the network announced the cancellation of Lambert's performance on Good Morning America following his performance on the American Music Awards.
But really, this just begs the question of Just who the fuck becomes a publicist like this? They have to have the worst, just, like, the worst achievement complexes. Again: "Earlier today GLAAD urged constituents to contact ABC to express disappointment." Yeah, it's true, but it's something to tout? GLAAD will never acknowledge the way they mishandled this entire incident, so why not highlight the last-ditch attempt to give off the appearance that they cared about winning this battle? Note the lack of strong language, like "condemned," which isn't even that strong of a word, which is what they were supposed to do to ABC. Instead, they played softball, or as Moylan put it:
They even provided email addresses and phone numbers so the outraged gays could call and email ABC about how upset they are. Why not provide Barrios' email and phone number so we can call him and express how disappointed we are in GLAAD for bungling this. At this point, Jeffrey Dahmer is as good for gay visibility as GLAAD is.
Right he is. And Lambert got The View, of all places, a show so serious in nature that Danny DeVito can show up wasted, motorboat Barbara Walters' tits, plug his Limoncello, and leave without so much as a slap on the wrist. Why not just have him throwing together houses for The Poors with the scary tweakergay from Extreme Home Makeover. Because, you know, straight people watch Jimmy Kimmel and Dick Clark, and they require straight performers, right?
I'd write about GLAAD fucking the dog on this one, but they'd clearly have an easier time condemning me as both an enemy of the gays and dogfuckers than they would ABC for segregating and then winning the relegation of their kinda-cause célèbre to The Yenta Hour, but you know what? They did. Hard.