A purged BusinessWeek-er ran into the leader of the new guard; Loren Feldman heckled some oversharing newlyweds; and a celebrity devoured a whole McRib thing. The Twitterati swallowed the awkwardness.

After being caught in the bloodbath after Bloomberg took over BusinessWeek, Shirley Brady bumped into the editor installed in said purge and proclaimed him a "nice guy." By which she presumably meant, "did not lay me off a second time." (So awkward.)

New York new media jester Loren Feldman sent his regards to that groom who updated his Facebook and Twitter status at the altar. The belligerence was its own gift, really.

San Francisco arts writer Louis Peitzman has half a mind to form a gang or some shit. A gang comprised entirely of humans.

Starlet Holly Madison confidently put herself forward as a culinary role model. Or whatever the opposite of that would be.

She may be known primarily for dating Lindsay Lohan, but DJ Samantha Ronson is still important enough to have her tweets edited, by Twitter Inc. Wait, what??

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.