Us Weekly has the hot sexxxy exclusive from Jaimee Grubs, the 24 year-old cocktail waitress who says she also had an affair with Tiger Woods. A tipster who just might know tells us they paid a lot for it.

Us paid $150,000 for the Grubbs exclusive, according to our (unverified) tipster. The full story supposedly runs tomorrow, with the headline "Tiger Trouble." Our tipster also says that People didn't bid on her story, because "they are hoping to get first sit down with Tiger and don't want to piss him off!"

Makes sense! Email us if you know more. What we do know for sure: All these magazines are in a much better position than TMZ, which has been running breathless exclusives about all the trouble Tiger was in with Florida law enforcement, right up to the moment he received a big $164 ticket. TMZ commenters are mocking the site for its coverage. Heh.