Publisher Would Like You to Buy Sarah Palin's Actual Book, Not the Parody

There are two books out — Going Rogue, 'written' by Palin. And Going Rouge, a parody. Many, including, CNN, USA Today and Fox News, keep getting confused and picking the wrong one. Now Palin's publisher is taking drastic measures.
The two books have almost identical covers, and are a mere typo away from each other. According to Page Six media outlets are even contacting the people behind Going Rouge for interviews with the real Palin. This is clearly upsetting HarperCollins, the publishers of Palin's actual 'thoughts'. Colin Robinson, co-publisher of the parody which is edited by Betsy Reed and Richard Kim of The Nation magazine, told the Post that:
We've noticed that someone, presumably HarperCollins, has been buying ads on Google redirecting people looking for 'Going Rouge' to 'Going Rogue,' which seems very unsporting of them.
If you'd paid $5m for some 'I can see it from my house'-type analysis from Palin you'd probably want your money back too.