Mark Sanford, the South Carolina governor who coined the best euphemism of the year when told aides he was "hiking the Appalachian trail" as an excuse for doinking an Argentinian woman who was not his wife, faces questioning.

Sanford sent the most embarrassing love letters in the world to his Argentinian mistress and has refused to resign despite the most blatant sex scandal ever.

The State Ethics Commission announced a probe today, but won't say what questions Sanford faces, The AP though, points out that it reported some underhand and potentially illegal activities related to the affair:

the governor violated bans on using state airplanes for personal and political purposes; opted for expensive first-class or business-class seats - actions that apparently violated rules requiring lowest-cost travel; and failed to disclose on ethics forms flights he took on private planes owned by donors and friends.

He may still be impeached by Republican legislators for bringing "extreme dishonor and shame" on the state. Which would be ironic as he called for Bill Clinton's impeachment when the Lewinsky affair came out.