It was last February that this season's final runway competition took place. So the show's editors have had nine full months to gestate and give birth the two-part final that begins tonight. Will it be a boy or a girl?

Well, we already know the answer: It's a girl(s)! Three of them. And consistent with the many cruel fates that have cursed this season, the one thing that should have made it surprising, uplifting and memorable—an all-female group of finalists—already happened last season. So ironically, that's just boring now too.

But you know what's never boring? Live-blogging with a bunch Gawker commenters! Hell, this group could live-blog the broadcast of a wet tarp during a rain-delayed baseball game and we'd still have a blast. So let's type, drink and be merry! The party happens down in the comments section below, and the show starts at 10 Eastern on Lifetime. Here are a few highlights from the one we held last week:

  • We found Christopher's description of himself as "a rock with algae on it" to be quite apt. Apparently, he has more talent for introspection than he does for fashion design.
  • Everyone thought Cindy Crawford looked awesome. Sadly, it was probably the first time we thought that about anything in the vicinity of the runway this season.
  • Tim Gunn squinted his eyes and saw "a panel of puckering"—something only Tim Gunn would see that when he squinted his eyes.
  • We said goodbye to Gordana and Christopher, who both cried. The former seemed in dire need of some of those lady vitamins that Lifetime is always advertising. The latter set a new Project Runway record for consecutive suckery, so he can always wear that distinction with pride. Auf wiedersehen to them both. Gut an sie loswerden!

A collection of my favorite comments from last week is linked here, so be sure to check them out before the start of tonight's episode. Speaking of which—long-time fans shouldn't expect many surprises tonight, since the format of this show's penultimate episodes has been very consistent over the years. However, having watched a few preview clips, I do have these tidbits of interest for us to watch for as we live-blog tonight:

  • We'll get to see Tim Gunn dance behind that silhouette-screen thing. And yes, the sight will be as disturbing as it sounds—not as bad as Tim saying "holla at your boy," but close.
  • Althea will sit and comfort an ailing Carol Hannah, even though stomach flu Carol caught is contagious. So good for Althea. Maybe we'll finally have a reason to really like and root for one of these finalists after all?
  • Irina will accuse Althea of idea theft again, and generally keep acting like a bitch—but a very boring one. They just don't make reality show bitches like they used to. Kenley Collins, where are you?
  • In a "surprise twist," the designers will be told that they must create an eleventh-hour "bonus look" after returning to New York. At least, I assume they will, since this has happened during every finals for five seasons now. But it's a Project Runway tradition to pretend that this twist is unprecedented, so remembered to act dutifully shocked when it happens.

Ok, it's getting close to 10. Let's spank this live blog baby on the bottom and get its life started!

[Image via FreeParking's Flickr]