Hootie-hoo, crew! There's no regular Top Chef episode tonight, because—well, I don't know. WTF, Bravo? But they're airing an all-star special instead, so we're posting this in case folks want to live blog that tonight.

As you may have guessed from my opening greeting, Carla will be among the guests. Other memorable chefs from seasons past include Fabio, Stefan, Dale, Hung, Marcel, Casey, Ilan, Harold, and Tiffani. They're so memorable, I don't even have to use their last names!

As usual, the show starts 10 Eastern, and we'll all do the live-blogging in the comments section below. So now's our chance to invent nicknames for cheftestants from the pre-Season 5 era! Remember that era? Those dark days before the Gawker Top Chef live blog existed … how did we ever survive those days?

Judging from the preview clips of tonight's "All Stars Dinner," the chefs will do a lot of sitting around, drinking wine and getting bitchy with each other. Fabio gets the thankless job of playing the show's "host" and interviewing the others. This means he has to ask them stuff like, "Hey remember dat time you act like beeg asshole? Why'd you act like dat?" Not surprisingly, this won't go over well, and things will get a little ugly—so much so that Fabio will say at one point, "Wait … turn off the cameras!" What will happen after that? Watch with us and find out!

Actually, we probably won't find out what happened after that, because Fabio told them to turn off the cameras. But hey, watch with us anyway!

Regular Top Chef will return on Veteran's Day. If you don't know what day that is then find out! And thank a veteran while you're at it.

[For the All-Star edition we're revisiting a classic video by all-star videographer Mike Byhoff]