Cities Equidistant From Philadephia and New York Besieged By Desperate Reporters

The hard part about covering a baseball event called the "World Series," which is 106 years old? Finding new angles. Hey, here's one from the WSJ: Find a town halfway between Philly and NYC—who do they root for?!? Sounds...familiar.
10/30, WSJ: "Equidistant From New York and Philadelphia, Easton (PA) Faces a Choice: 'They're Both My Team'"
10/28, NYT: "If any spot could be torn apart by the World Series, it would be the town of Cranbury, N.J."
10/28, USAT: "'We live halfway between the two cities, and we are a typical 'we-don't-know-who-to-root-for' family,' [John] Marchese [of Egypt, NJ] says."
10/28, AP: "HAMILTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. - When the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Yankees meet in the World Series on Wednesday, New Jersey will be a state of divided loyalties."
If your news outlet hasn't written up your "Halfway between Philly and NYC, Divided Loyalties" story yet, don't worry. Using GPS, draw one line Northeast-to-Southwest between the two cities; now draw another perpendicular line Northwest-to-Southeast; any crappy city along that line is equidistant from the two opposing World Series cities. Who are the residents of Owen Sound, Canada pulling for? We'll find out soon!