Ruth Riechl got smug over her soul-food meal on a train and Michael Bauer's readers got porn from his tweets. The Twitterati learned to watch what they ate.

San Francisco Chronicle food and wine editor Michael Bauer blamed a "gremlin" for the porn surprise in his Twitter feed. His readers blamed themselves for not consuming his feed when it was fresher (and more porny).

Radio host Billy Bush basically said you're either with Twitter or you're with the terrorists.

Writer and former Valleywag-er Melissa Gira Grant finally observed mass-market gossip in its native habitat.

Former Gourmet editor Ruth Reichl might not have her food magazine, but she still has her "smug" sense of culinary superiority.

Science writer Mark Drapeau will not join your stupid "wave."

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.