Our J-School embed can only help us so much; he can't provide us with the brilliance that follows, in which you watch a class of Columbia J-Schoolers rapping over Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" about ethics in journalism.

Somewhere, Hamilton is having a coronary, or is about to:

Hey, the kid ain't half bad! If the whole print journalism thing doesn't work out, he might be able to pursue a fruitful career in hip hop journalism; not journalism about hip hop, but journalism in which you rap your way through stories. He even dropped diss bombs on Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass, SON.

Also, I kind of feel like this was an experiment in which I was the subject and they kind of just made this to be posted on this here website, you know? Like they were planting an item. Again, good skills that can be put to use in the arena of hip hop (or hip hop journalism); if you can get something on here, you're well on your way to getting DJ Vlad or one of those assclowns to pick up this kind of ridiculous shit, too. But this is actually very enjoyable! They seem to have principles and those kinds of things; they even swear off not paying their sources but treating them with respeckt! Interesting. So is the whole rapping portion of CJS's curriculum that I've never been told about. Maybe Hunter's got the right idea after all.