Hi folks! Ready to fling yourself on the glitter grenade that is Project Runway? I don't know what that means—I just like the phrase "glitter grenade," and I've been looking for a chance to use it in a sentence.

I encountered it for the first time during last week's live blog, when commenter Adiam7 noted that the designers had underused their bedazzlers and needed to "get a glitter grenade up in this bitch." So I suggest we do the same—let's get a glitter grenade up in this bitch! I don't know what that means either.

We're now up to episode 10 in what has (let's admit it) turned out to be a season-o'-suckiness. But who cares? We always have fun in our commenter live blogs, no matter how lame this show gets. So why not join us? The action happens in the comments section below, and the show airs on Lifetime at 10 Eastern. Here are few highlights from last week:

  • Nicolas said "The opportunity to blah blah on Project Runway is just the most awesome blah blah blah to happen ever in history of any blah blah!" Then he added, "Blah!"
  • Early on, commenter jann9884 said, "Tonight is going to be a big pile of ugly." This statement proved to be prescient.
  • Thanks to Gordana's immunity, she didn't just phone it in—she beamed it from a satellite orbiting somewhere in the far reaches of the Earth's outer atmosphere.
  • Most commenters were pissed that Shirin got the boot over so many less-talented males. Why must so many women be victimized on Lifetime?

There were many more humorous moments; I've assembled a selection of them here. I've also assembled a selection of things to watch for tonight, having spun the ol' "highlight reel" DVD that Lifetime sent me. Here's a sneak peak:

  • The Michael Kors-themed challenge, which promotes Kors' West-coast store, will be to design a location-inspired outfit to the exacting standards of Michael Kors. So guess who decided to put in a rare judging appearance tonight?
  • We'll learn that Kors' inspiration comes from locations like Palm Beach, Greece, Santa Fe, Aspen, and St. Tropez. So basically, Kors gets inspired by leafing through copies of Travel & Leisure magazine.
  • Cry-stopher will cry again.
  • Guest Judge Milla Jovovich will say, "You gotta take it to the next level, because jeans and a T-shirt just doesn't cut it." This comment will earn an emphatic nod of agreement from Kors, who will be clad in same black T-shirt and jeans he's probably worn every day for the past 10,000 days of his life.

OK, it's almost 10 — live blog time. Get ready to sparkle, everyone!