What will $200,000 get you at Neiman Marcus? Eight cupcake cars, or Dinner with American Literature. Really: Neiman Marcus is selling a $200K dinner, replete with America's literature and arts luminaries. Who do you get for all that cash?

The better question is, who don't you get?

  • Christopher Buckley

  • Roz Chast

  • Delia Ephron

  • Nora Ephron

  • Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

  • Malcolm Gladwell

  • Adam Gopnik

  • John Lithgow

  • Anna Deavere Smith

  • George Stephanopoulos

  • Ali Wentworth

Unbelievably, they're not the wait staff. They're your guests. I really, really, really want to know who's gonna buy this, what they're going to serve, etc. There should be post-game locker room interviews for this. I can barely stand dinner with myself, let alone eight other people. If someone wants to donate this to our cause, please, go ahead. $200K! Other things you can get from this year's Neiman Marcus Christmas Book: the pictured cupcake car, a car you can basically fly out of traffic, and a private tour of the Makers Mark distillery with your own batch of sauce. The ultimate PLZKTHX.