As we learned last week, Tim Gunn's conundrum is the textiles. He is not seduced by them. And I must say I agree: As a general rule, I am also unseduced by conundrum-causing textiles. How about you?

Why not weigh in with your own views on this and other weighty matters during our commenter live blog of Project Runway tonight? The show starts at 10pm Eastern on Lifetime, but the live-blog itself starts whenever the hell we feel like it, in the comments section below. Last week's edition featured many funny quips from y'all (for a sampling, click here). Here are few highlights:

  • Commenter ms_priestypants alertly observed that this season features a "talking-shit" mobile camera. Who says there are no innovations on this show lately?
  • We may have found out why Tim keeps warning everyone not to bore Nina. Apparently, Nina got bored with judging and stopped showing up.
  • During a commercial break, Zooey Deschanel sang about the cotton between her ears.
  • We finally came up with a good handle for Louise: "Diablo Bloaty" (thanks to commenter DahlELama). And then she promptly got booted, which always seems to happen just when we come up with a good nickname for someone (as recently noted elsewhere).

Ok, this is the spot where I normally complain about how stingy Lifetime is because they post so little in the way of preview clips of upcoming episodes—but no longer! I e-mailed Lifetime about that, and they've agreed to send me a DVD in advance of each episode with "highlight reel" clips on it (not seen elsewhere)! So I feel like such media journalist now! Anyway, having spun the ol' DVD, I suggest we watch for the following things as we live blog tonight:

  • The challenge will be to take divorced women's old wedding dresses and turn them into "hip, cool outfits they can wear in the next chapter of their lives." Unfortunately, because this "next chapter" begins on the Lifetime network, it will probably end with their creepy ex-husbands returning to victimize them all over again.
  • One divorcee will actually say to Shirin: "Can you do something with feathers? I'm thinking Cher 'Half-Breed.'" Soon thereafter, Shirin will cry—and really, can you blame her?
  • Gordana will look like she's been touching horcruxes, since her hands will appear strangely blackened like Dumbledore's right one in the latest Harry Potter movie.
  • Gordana will cry too. So much crying this season! It's enough to make you wish Johnny's ex-dealer would show up with some mood enhancers for everyone.

Ok, gang, that's enough previewing — let's have a fun discussion now. But don't forget to use conundrums!

[Image via NYPL Digital Library]