Remember what was considered "wild" in fashion just before Lady Gaga was a big deal? I'm talking pre-2009, before "Poker Face" was a hit—back when this Project Runway season was actually taped.

I got to thinking about this when I took another look Nicolas's supposed "science-fiction-inspired" dress (last week's winner). To me, in today's avant-Gaga age, it looks about as "sci-fi" as something Barbie might wear to a ballroom-dancing contest. (I just made up the term "avant-Gaga," by the way. If I repeat it enough, do you think it might catch on?) Commenter Notes From the Underwhelmed first opined weeks ago that this season looked rather dated due to the Gaga syndrome, and I'm now inclined to agree. What do you all think? Is this factor what's making so many looks seem boring this year? Would Malvin still be around in the avant-Gaga age (there I go again)? I'm just tossing that out there as fodder for discussion tonight during our live blog.

Yes, I said our live blog, because—for the benefit of any newbies out there—this feature is group-created by all of us, down in the comments section below. Join us! Here's a selection of highlights from last week:

  • When we saw a close-up of Louise's gory, needle-pricked fingers, Old Ocho remarked: "She should have bled on her dress to make it more interesting."
  • Makeup dude Collier Strong reminded me of Mr. Clean. I think it's the earring that does it. Is it just me? Click here and see what you think.
  • Nicolas uttered the phrase "I'm not here to make friends" for what must be the thousandth time in reality-show history. Just to be counterintuitive, I'd like to create a reality competition called Here to Make Friends, the object of which would be to make as many friends as possible. So, on my show, nobody would ever say that.
  • We noticed that Nicolas seems to get more camera time lately than Barack Obama. Quoth michelegilliam01: "I wish Bravo would stop trying to make Pudgy Kurt Cobain happen."
  • Louise, who is dull, was spared by the dull, non-orange judging panel, and many outraged commenters thought Ra'Mon got a Ra'deal.

What's that? What should we watch for tonight? Well, I'm glad you asked that. First and foremost, tonight marks the long-overdue return of Michael Kors. That's right: the bitch is back, and not a moment too soon. As the past few weeks have taught us, an episode without the orange man is like a day without sunshine. Other things to watch for include:

  • The challenge will have a Macy's theme. Maybe the designers will have to make gigantic outfits for parade balloons?
  • There will be a "probable double elimination." That's how the promo ad puts it, anyway: "probable." I guess the episode happened so long ago that they can't remember for sure.
  • Teammates Gordana and Irina will quarrel. Given the double-elimination thing, this does not bode especially well for Uli's Mom and …. um, the woman we never came up nickname for. Maybe we should think of one quick tonight; it may be our last chance.

Ok, gang … let's make tonight's live blog a real avant-Gaga extravaganza! (Ok, ok. I'll stop trying to make "avant-Gaga" happen.)