Ah Lifetime! You should have known better than to run that "biggest lie in runway history" jive past the Gawker live-blogging crew. Because if there's one thing this group knows, it's Project Runway history. And we unmasked your mendacity!

Specifically, your "biggest lie" promotional claim was debunked by commenters as soon as we realized just what this whopping whopper you went on about was (Johnny Meth claimed a steamer ruined his dress). Almost immediately, several of us came up with three lies from past seasons that we were easily bigger: 1. Santino Rice telling the judges that Kara Janx loved the outfit he made for her. 2. Kara Saun telling Tim Gunn that her shoes for her final collection didn't break the rules. 3. Keith claiming he never used the pattern books he had hidden under his bed. We actually can't prove Keith lied about that, but I mean … come on now!

So don't try that false hype on us again, Lifetime. Oh, and another thing: If you don't want us to call you the "Vagina Channel," don't run commercials for lady-bush trimmers and a Georgia O'Keefe movie during the same commercial break.

Ok, I'm done talking to Lifetime (I don't think they were listening). Now I'll talk to you folks out there: How y'all doing? Why not join our commenter live blog, which gets underway in the comments section below when Project Runway starts at 10 Eastern tonight? Last week's edition was a blast (click here to read some of my favorite comments from it). Here are a few highlights from the proceedings:

  • Early on, some commenters had a hard-time finding The Vagina Channel on their cable systems. It can be hard to locate sometimes. It's kind of like a G-spot that way.
  • Eva Longoria told us: "my ass is my asset." Her bust isn't exactly a bust either.
  • In front of the judges, chubby Kurt Cobain was — as commenter dippitydoo put it — "all apologies."
  • The myth-making mess of an ex-meth-head was dismissed (warning: Don't try to say that five times fast).

As for tonight, if promo posted by Lifetime (or should I says Lie-time?) is to believed, we can expect to see the following.

  • A romance will bloom between (spoiler alert) Carol Hannah and Logan (which answers the "is Logan straight?" question, I guess). Dating another designer is probably a good way to hang around on the show longer, so I hope that isn't why Logan has…designs on Carol (Ha ha, "designs," get it?).
  • Tonight's challenge will have a movie-making theme. So remember that "old Hollywood glamour" cliché we were all complaining about recently? Expect to see a lot of it tonight.
  • Speaking of movies, the way judges have been mysteriously disappearing off this show (first Kors, then Nina …), I feel like I've been watching the film classic Ten Little Indians lately. Let's keep a close eye on Heidi and Tim tonight to be sure neither of them disappears too.
  • The preview clip also showed a shot of Morgan shirtless. I know some live-bloggers who will want to keep an eye out for that too.

All right, folks, let's get ready to kick ass tonight. I'm sure looking forward to it. You know why? Because Gawker commenters are the best live-bloggers in the history of live-blogging! And that's no jive.