Well, Jim and Pam, possibly the blandest characters in sitcom history, have set a date. The episode where The Office characters tie the knot is October 8. Does that mean we have to hear about it until then?

Seriously, we're already sick of these two insufferable lovebirds. The engraved invitation was sent to all of America today by Entertainment Weekly which announced the date in a website tease to their cover story that comes out this week. Speculation and spoilers about their nuptials have been buzzing about the internet for months now. Know what? It's stupid.

Jim and Pam are everyman anchors in a sitcom full of crazy people. That makes them just like the cashiers at the supermarket: you're glad that they're there, you have to be nice to them, but you really don't care about what happens to them outside of work. Whether or not they get married seems to have the impact of answering, "Paper or plastic?"

And their drawn out relationship has been going on for five years now. They're a bigger cocktease than Sally Gregoridas, the girl in the 5th grade who would make everyone play spin the bottle, but then wouldn't kiss anyone when the empty two liter of Diet Coke pointed its cap of romance in her direction. Christ, it took them two years just to freakin' kiss! And now their engagement, which has been prolonged since last season's premiere, is the same way .The run up to the ceremony is going to be a drawn-out string of leaked photos, half-hidden promos, and mild exposés in an attempt to goose the show's ratings.

The other reason we hate sitcom weddings is the same reason we hate when celebrities go to rehab, because all the fun stuff has already happened. What's left for them to do? They'll have their kid and be parents, maybe one will cheat on the other or they'll get divorced and then back together again, but their story arc doesn't have many possibilities now that they're together (hear that, Sex and the City sequel?). It's just more of the same push and pull on the heartstrings. That's why soap opera "supercouples" have to get married five and six times. That's the only way to keep things exciting and fresh. At this point Jim and Pam are about as fresh as hearing "Summer Breeze" while standing in line at the DMV, which we would rather do than sit around and listen to people coo about their seating chart.