Looking to boost your talk show's ratings and prestige? Just book Barack Obama. About 7.2 million people tuned in to watch Obama's chit-chat with David Letterman last night, the sort-of funny man's biggest night in four years.

Now, before you go thinking that everyone wants to see Obama, consider this: his March Tonight Show appearance drew a little over 14 million to Jay Leno's former show. So, it would appear people are not as interesting in falling asleep with B.O.

Last night's event seems like a win for everyone involved. Obama got to be cute and talk about his policies and be cute some more, thus reclaiming the spotlight and, perhaps, people's hearts: Letterman received huge ratings. And even Craig Ferguson saw a boost. His show, which comes right after Letterman's, brought in 3.24 million viewers, giving him his biggest night ever.

The only loser? Conan O'Brien, who had his second worst night since taking over the Tonight Show: 2.24 million.