NEA In Encouraging Artists to Make Art Scandal

BIG HOLLYWOOD investigative reporter Patrick Courrielche asks: "Should the National Endowment for the Arts encourage artists to create art on issues being vehemently debated nationally?" Well, yes.
There is a scandal about the NEA, because it's 1990, hooray! Did the NEA give grant money to a lady who showed her vagina to people? Or to a gay man who takes pictures of gay butts, again? No, this time it is totally not about censorship, at all. It is about FREEDOM. Because Obama is turning the NEA into a fascist propaganda machine!
In a conference call with some artists, the NEA's head communications director encouraged artists to make art about Public Service. This is also what Goebbels did.
But if your answer to that question up top is "yes" then you will not understand this scandal, and if your answer to that question is "no the government should never give money to artists at all unless they promise to only make velvet paintings of puppies or those Magic Eye pictures maybe" then you will find this all to be a terrible thing. And if you don't give a shit about the NEA but just want to lob a cheap shot at a soft target in order to score political points and get a scalp, then you might be a conservative blogger.