Big Trouble in West L.A: Ten Andy Warhol paintings depicting athletes were cat burgled from the house of rich L.A. businessman and art collector Richard Weisman. Involved are a housekeeper/nanny, an anonymous $1M reward, and 70s model Cheryl Tiegs. What?

So: Richard Weisman, wealthy businessman, commissioned Andy Warhol to do a bunch of paintings in the early 80s, which are now known as The Weisman Collection, and have since been depicted in the wackadoo coffee table book, From Picasso to Pop, which model Cheryl Tiegs helped write with Weisman.

The pictures were a bunch of Warhols of athletes, and one of Weisman, who Warhol appears to have been fairly gracious to (pictured). Via Reuters, reporting on the burglary:

The spokeswoman said the silk-screen works, which each measure 40 inches square, had been hanging on Weisman's dining room walls and that a housekeeper who noticed them missing on September 3 notified police. Weisman was not home at the time of the burglary and there was no sign of forced entry at the home, police said. Nothing else was taken by the thieves, who left behind several other Warhol paintings.

Housekeepers have to discover a lot, don't they? Poor Dorota. Interestingly enough, Art Daily refers to said housekeeper as a "nanny." Housekeeper or nanny: which is it? Let the artists decide.

Meanwhile, no suspects have been named, but really: what the hell do you do with a stolen painting? It's not like a stolen car, which can go incognito. Anybody who knows their shit about art would probably say to themselves: Hey! There's the stolen Warhol, I'm cashing in! and people who wouldn't know probably wouldn't appreciate the gravity of a Warhol painting sitting in your living room, and why go through the hassle of stealing a Warhol for your philistine friends when you can just buy Cheryl Teigs' book instead. ANYWAY. There are, naturally, conspiracy theories about this kind of thing already:

Though personally, I think it's a toss-up between Elizabeth Berkeley and Pricilla Presley. THEY'RE ALL SUSPECTS. Finally, didn't it always seem like Andy Warhol didn't give a shit about art, or talking about art? I'm willing to bet Andy Warhol would think the stealing of his art is art. In celebration, here's Andy Warhol, talking about Jasper Johns: