Biz Stone was working on his vacation; Robert Gibbs skipped his David Brooks homework and a reporter covering Oprah Winfrey fled her goons. For the Twitterati, this week can't end soon enough.

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone was Twittering on his Mexico vacation, and not in the happy, microblogging sense.

David Corn of Mother Jones picked up the scent of weakness in the White House press office.

The Chicago Tribune's Rex Huppke is not afraid to deny you entrance to his mom's basement.

Elsewhere in the Windy City, the Tribune's Mo Ryan fled in terror from Oprah's actual physical army.

Scott Kleinberg of the Chicago RedEye tried to Twitter-bait Marriott's customer service people.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.