Ah, watching Project Runway and posting comments about it: What activity could possibly be more interesting? Other than putting jodhpurs on a pregnant chicken, that is? (Oh Malvin, how we'll miss you).

The show is on Lifetime now, by the way. I trust you know what channel that is? I'm too masculine to memorize it myself, so I just have to flip channels randomly until I stumble on it. You do know? Ah, good: Turn it on, fire up your laptop and join us in the comments section below for the main event, which kicks of at 10 Eastern. Or join us earlier than that, and indulge in some pre-show chatter. Or better yet, kill the time until 10 by reading these highlights from last week:

  • The designers grabbed fake pregnant bellies off of the Macy's Fake Pregnant Belly Wall and strapped them onto their models. For many of the guys, this probably marked the first and last time in their lives that they would ever make a woman pregnant.
  • Rebecca Romijn showed up, pregnant with twins, to judge the Preggo Pageant (given how long ago this season was filmed, those same twins are probably hitting puberty about now).
  • Several commenters, including katekate and Lizawithazee, began suggesting rules for our all-important Project Runway drinking game. The ones proposed so far include drinking whenever: Tim says "Talk to me" or "I'm concerned;" Michael Kors says "boobies" or "too mother-of-the-bride;" Heidi says something "looks expensive;" a designer has sewing-machine difficulties; a judge wonders "what were you/they thinking?" Johnny mentions meth; anyone cries; or any model actually speaks. (hat's just a "starter set" or rules, but it'll probably do for now.
  • More smocking happened. If this keeps up, they'll make a total smockery of this show.

And here are a few things to watch for as we live blog tonight:

  • The designers will take a field trip to the beach. I assume this means that they'll have to make some kind of swimwear? Or create clothing out of seaweed? Or — better yet — make swimwear out of seaweed?
  • The guest judge will be Rachel Bilson. I knew nothing about Bilson, so I did some research about her on the Web and learned that her mother is a sex therapist. Oh, and I also learned that she's an actress who used to be on The OC — but I think the part of her bio about her mother being a sex therapist is much more interesting.
  • The designers will be paired off in team challenge. So don't be surprised if the designer who gets paired with Mitchell reacts by shrieking, tearing his/her hair, pounding the floor and crying, "Why me, Lord? Why me?"

Ok, it's nearly 10 pm — time to jump down into the comments section and get this party started. See you there! Oh, and remember—although drinking is encouraged during this live blog, smocking is not. So bottoms up, and thank you for not smocking!