Gather round, Gawker commenters, for another edition of The Greatest Live-Blogging Show on Earth. Wanna be a part of it? Well, to paraphrase Timothy Leary, just "turn on, tune in and drop by."

That is, turn on your computer, tune in to Project Runway and drop by the comments section below. The show starts on Lifetime at 10 pm Eastern, and all are welcome to join the commune. (If you aren't a "star commenter," fear not: Others will "promote" your comments almost as soon as you post them.)

Last week we kicked off the new season with a bang. I won't recap any of what happened on the show itself, because Brian Moylan did such a great job of that here. But I do want to share a few of the comments from last week, because you guys had me in more stitches than my tailor (I don't really have a tailor). Here's a sampling:

  • Dot: Since the straight male contestants are on Lifetime, will they have to beat up some women or cheat on their wives or something?
  • pumpkinsoup: I want my own Tim Gunn.
  • youngmarblegiant: I hate this Samantha Ronson more than the real one.
  • Inzombia: Lifetime produced one of my favorite made-for-TV message movies, the one in which the boy actor from Peter Pan gets addicted to Internet porn, and has to almost-drown himself in a swimming pool. There, as he's floating, he sees visions of his hot mother in a bathing suit and is saved in the consequent cleansing.
  • katekate is squared: Boy, when Lindsey Lohan tells you that you need to think harder about what's appropriate, you have a problem.

As for tonight's show, I normally like to list a few "things to watch for" based on preview clips posted on the Web — but I discovered that, unlike Bravo, Lifetime offers almost no previews of the upcoming episodes (just a lame 30-second promo spot that reveals nothing). So here are some "things to watch for" that are based on what I'm guessing will happen tonight:

  • Tim Gunn will exhort the designers to "use the Macy's Accessory Wall," but nobody will.
  • A designer will fret because his or her model is late.
  • A straight guy will remind us he's straight.
  • Michael Kors will roll his eyes. Nina Garcia will smile at him knowingly. Both will discuss someone's "taste level."
  • Lifetime will urge viewers to "stay tuned for Models of the Runway" — a request that will likely meet with less success than Tim's plea to use the accessory wall.
  • And these things don't happen tonight, well … they can at least form the basis of our live-blog drinking game, which we still have to invent. So let's give that some thought, too. And happy commenting!
  • - MisterHippity