American teenagers are facing distressingly high levels of unemployment. So, what should they do? Get a job? No way! They should move to the UK.

Now, you're likely wondering, "How will moving to the UK save the hormonal masses from a life of street-walking and pervasive misery?" Well, we'll tell you: the British government has dedicated £52.1 million for teen-initiated projects that get their lives back on track.

The money will be distributed between 185 awards and aim to help train, educate and generally prepare the youths for the real world, which is, sadly, even more bleak. And, honestly, we're not entirely sure the "projects" are all that useful:

In Maidstone, Kent, youngsters have got a grant of £335,802 to set up a youth cafe in the town centre where they can also access training and work experience.

In Birmingham, a grant of £101,800 will help young people rehearse music, write songs and receive training in recording.

So, basically the government's giving away money for teens to hang out with one another and pursue creative endeavors. And we all know how well the arts are paying these days.

Image via axeslrose's' flickr.