Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 1

This is it Project Runway fans: Our long, forced fast from our favorite TV fashion-fight is finally over. Tim Gunn & Co. return tonight, and so does our commenter live blog of the proceedings.
If you're a newbie to the live-blog experience, this is where you can participate in a pith-filled running commentary of the show in the "comments" section below. A bunch of us did this last year for Project Runway and had a blast: We quipped, sniped, rhymed and opined. We laughed, cried, sneezed and occasionally got the hiccups. Who wouldn't want to relive that all over again?
(A quick note: The show doesn't start on Lifetime until 10 Eastern, but I asked Gawker to post this a few hours early so we could also live-blog Lifetime's Project Runway All-Star Challenge, which starts at 8 pm and features past stars like Santino, Uli, Jeffrey and Korto. It'll probably be kind of bogus, but admit it: You'll watch it anyway. So why not live-blog it too?)
As most of you already know, Lifetime poached this show from Bravo and originally planned to air Season 6 it last Winter, but a lawsuit delayed things because … well, because Harvey Weinstein is an idiot. That's really the upshot. Anyway, as a result, a few things will be a little weird this season. Not only is the show on a new network, set in a new city (LA) and edited by a new production team, but the competition depicted actually ended six months ago (no spoilers please!). In fact, most of the action took place last fall, before Obama was elected. But I'm sure that won't matter much, because the world of Project Runway exists in a kind of a timeless neverland, where worldly things like politics (both corporate and government) are hidden from view behind a great big pile of puce organza. So I choose to be optimistic: This season (and this live blog) will be awesome!
I don't have any "things to watch for on tonight" because Lifetime posted over 91 preview clips for this show on its website, and when I saw that I got overwhelmed and a little dizzy and didn't watch any of them. But I did glance at the names and pictures of the new contestants, and can share these quick observations: The group seems slightly more female and racially diverse than usual. Many have unusual names, like Epperson, Gordana, Malvin, Qristyl and Shirin. One wears bangs and bright red lipstick, even though that style was last rocked on this show by an unpopular, cat-throwing harpy. I was unable to identify the "token straight male" in the group, but I know he's in there somewhere (because he always is). So maybe trying to identify him can be on of our fun activities for tonight, along with assigning nicknames and inventing a drinking game.
And those activities will start soon, because live blog time is nigh. Our 10-month exile in the desert is finally coming to an end, Runway-ites — it's time to return home!