Biz Stone is trying to get $575,000 for his tidy "poet's cottage" in the Berkeley hills. The Twitter co-founder's real estate agent must be tearing her hair out: Stone's explained on television how much he regretted buying the place.

Stone told Tavis Smiley last night about an early trial of his microblogging service. It made him laugh: While co-founder Evan Williams was sipping Pinot Noir and getting a massage in wine country, Stone and his wife were finding awful things under the carpet and cursing their purchase of the William Wurster-designed two bedroom — the same two bedroom they're now trying to sell. It's a funny story, but perhaps not the best way to move property in a down market.

Hopefully for Twitter's investors, Stone will take a more straightforward approach to marketing his unprofitable website; below, he confirms to Smiley that Twitter wants to accelerate revenue growth by the end of this year, as indicated in the February business plan leaked to TechCrunch by a hacker, and describes some ways that might happen, including analytics for small businesses and verified Twitter accounts.