Paper Heart comes out in limited release today, with Michael Cera playing — surprise! — an awkward teenager in a twee comedy. Satirists have already mocked Cera's typecasting; are they overstating things? Here's a side-by-side comparison of the actor's work.

The attached video, assembled by Gawker video wizard Mike Byhoff, alternates between Cera's role as precious bumbler George Michael in Arrested Development and his work as precious bumbler in Paper Heart Superbad, Juno and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. At least his preciousness is getting more sweary, over time. That's a form of growing up, right?

Another sign of maturation: Charlyne Yi has shot down rumors that she and Cera were real-life dating during the filming of Paper Heart, meaning Cera's been party to a cynical publicity stunt. How adult!