Craig Newmark imagined burning calories with a handheld computer toy; Evan Williams got stoked about a Twitter client and a Chicago Tribune producer imagined Twitter might help her find people who hate Twitter. The Twitterati were thinking positively.

To determine why teens might not like Twitter, the Chicago Tribune's Amanda Maurer decided she'd seek out teens... on Twitter.

Craig Newmark of Craigslist would like to lose weight while playing with his iPhone. It's important to have dreams.

Twitter's Evan Williams tried out some "pretty rad" software for making bodacious tweets. The program in question is in closed beta. Bummer.

Cody Brown of NYU Local sees critiques of the newspaper industry hidden absolutely everywhere.

echo 'Point taken, Hooker!'

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.