Get it?? News today about James Cameron, that little fellow with a dream. Also about TV pilots getting a second chance at life. James King becomes Jaime King, too!

Hm. Some things disappear. And then they reappear again! A lady detective pilot called Exit 19, which was passed on by CBS all the way back in 2008, has been picked up for redevelopment by the Lifetime Network for Skirts. In-need-of-work actors Geena Davis, Matthew Lillard, and Rosie Perez were all in the pilot for CBS, though they won't appear in the Lifetime version. Because they need work, sure, but... c'mon. It's Lifetime for God's sake. [Variety]

Humble little kid with a dream of makin' a picture Jimmy Cameron has unleashed footage of his latest magnum opus, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, Oh Wait No, That's that M. Night Shamahannadoonanna Movie, This One Is Just Called 'Avatar' and Nothing Else. The clip just previewed at this year's Americans Who Will Never Have Sex convention in San Diego. The event is known to some in the Seriously Never Going to Do It, Like, Ever community as "Comic-Con." Apparently people liked the footage, but didn't love it. Had it been a James Cameron-directed movie about them finally making it with Kim from HR, they definitely would have loved it. But it wasn't. So. Dashed. [THR]

Hm. Even though both the main characters died at the end of the first The Strangers (except for Liv Tyler's thing at the end Omigosh! And, no, you get no spoiler alerts here, fools), they're gonna go ahead and make a sequel. The movie was about two people being tormented and murdered in a cabin in the woods. That's what a movie is about these days. Because horror movies have become more akin to one-note pornography than anything else. Ah well. [Variety]

American Idol showrunner Ken Warwick just got a sweet new three-year deal to continue on the show. The package is said to be "well into the eight-figure range." What a jerk. Seacrest just got his big new reup. And now Paula stands alone and un-contracted. The world! So sad! [THR]

Emo Boy is a graphic novel about an, um, emo boy that will now be a movie. Starring every emo boy's blonde-haired dream, Jaime King. Remember when she used to be called James King? Things change. [THR]